


Jsaga, mpi and JDL requirements

Added by Melani Camilo over 14 years ago

It is a pleasure to open this forum! :)

I'm using Jsaga from the command line and it is great!. Simple for the
new users to access the grid.

I have few questions.

Using the command line:
1) it is possible to launch MPI jobs?
How do I ask for the requirements? CpuNumber? etc.
2) It is possible to ask for specific resources? I mean, if octave is
installed on a site, how can I ask for CPUs that can access to that library using the tags?
3) How can I launch a collection of jobs with It is possible to use parameters? Can you please give me an example?


Replies (3)

RE: Jsaga, mpi and JDL requirements - Added by Reynaud Sylvain over 14 years ago

1) SAGA specification enable this, but of course it also depends on each adaptor.

You ask for the requirements with SAGA job description attributes. Relevant attributes for MPI should be SPMDVariation, TotalCPUCount, NumberOfProcesses and ProcessesPerHost.

Try "jsaga-job-run --help" for a quick list of available attributes, and see SAGA specification ( from page 168 to 174 for a more detailed description of these attributes.

2) The only thing you can ask for is the SPMDVariation (e.g. MPI, MPICH1, MPICH2...).

3) The command jsaga-jobcollection-run takes a JSDL ( file instead of SAGA job description attributes.

You can submit parametric jobs using notation @{INDEX}, as shown in this example:

Other examples are available here:

But I have to tell you that this command is not SAGA-compliant, and it is also more complex and less used, hence probably less reliable than other commands...

RE: Jsaga, mpi and JDL requirements - Added by Harezlak Daniel over 13 years ago


From the above post I conclude that it is not possible to pass custom requirements (e.g. CpuNumber or the so called VO tags) to the final JDL. Is this still true for new JSAGA releases (currently I am using version 0.9.10). If yes, is there a workaround to pass these non-standard requirements?


RE: Jsaga, mpi and JDL requirements - Added by Reynaud Sylvain over 13 years ago

Hi Daniel,

Yes, passing custom requirements is possible, but this depends on which plug-in is used.

Currently, this is supported for CREAM and WMS (see []).

