


Continuous Integration Platform

Here is a short introduction video.


Continuous integration will help you guarantee the quality of your developments by automating most tasks related to its life cycle: builds, tests, packaging, ...
We at CC-IN2P3 provide a shared, hosted, secure Jenkins service to IN2P3 users.

What makes our service different:
  • hosted Jenkins instances: we take care of backups and monitoring
  • a virtualized build infrastructure (multi-OS): jobs are run in our private openstack cloud
  • a unique and (hopefully) simple interface: users should be able to administer everything about their project without jumping to other interfaces

You should be aware though that setting up and maintaining a continuous integration project is somewhat demanding. You should be prepared to spend a significant amount of efforts on it.



Getting an account

The platform is currently in beta state. It's already officially used by internal projects.
Just ask for a new project on our Help Desk.



This service is in production (works all the time), but is considered of low criticality, and thus might be down at most few days.


We will help promptly for anything related to our platform. Regarding Jenkins itself, we will only be able to advise up to the best of our limited knowledge.


Don't hesitate to ask our Help Desk

Known bugs