

Kushwaha Pankaj

  • Login: pankaj.kushwaha
  • What do you want to do ?: join an existing project
  • The name of the project ?: CTA
  • Comment:

    I, Pankaj Kushwaha, is a postdoc working in the group of Prof. Elisabete de Gouveia Dal Pino of the Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences (IAG-USP), University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. I already receives the regular mails/updates from CTA and need an account on this to access the content related to CTA.

  • Registered on: 02/03/2019
  • Last connection: 02/21/2019


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Project Roles Registered on
IN2P3-Forge Project Reporter 02/04/2019
Common Components Reporter 02/18/2019