



Added by Alderete Tommasi Francisco Martin almost 9 years ago

Hi, I am new to CLASS and I don't understand what is plotted by the GUI when I select the option INCYCLE. Neither have I been able to find it in the manual.

Replies (1)

RE: INCYCLE - Added by LENIAU Baptiste almost 9 years ago

Hi, indeed we didn't mention what is IN CYCLE in the manual, thx you for pointing it out.

In CLASS_PATH/source/src/Scenario.cxx (line 920 & 921) :

fIVTotal = fWaste + fTotalStorage + fTotalCooling + fFuelFabrication + fTotalInReactor;
fIVInCycleTotal = fTotalStorage + fTotalCooling + fFuelFabrication + fTotalInReactor;

So, it means that INCYCLE represents everything in the scenario but the waste

Thank you for your comment, Would you mind present yourself shortly before your comment next time. thx

See you
