


File copying with name generation on the storage element

Added by Harezlak Daniel over 12 years ago

When using the standard lcg-cr command it is possible to supply only the target storage element (with the -d option) and a local file location. In this case a file name on the storage element will be generated. Is it possible to have a similar behavior by using the JSAGA's command or JSAGA'a API?

Replies (3)

RE: File copying with name generation on the storage element - Added by Reynaud Sylvain over 12 years ago

Hi Daniel,

JSAGA can not implement this middleware-specific behavior because it has to follow the middleware-independant SAGA specification. The SAGA specification says on page 221 : "if the target is a directory, the source entry is copied into that directory".

However, you can implement this behavior with the methods of the JSAGA API, by generating the appropriate target URL by yourself.


RE: File copying with name generation on the storage element - Added by Harezlak Daniel over 12 years ago

Dear Sylvain,

Thank you very much for the response. I suspected what you have written. Now, when I have an official confirmation I will start to develop an in-house name generation mechanism.


Daniel Harezlak

RE: File copying with name generation on the storage element - Added by Schwarz Lionel over 12 years ago

Yes Daniel, the glite client commands rely on information published by the BDII to generate the full SRM path: root path + VO specific path + glite-specific subdirectory named "generated/<date_of_the_day>/<generated_filename>".
It is the responsibility of your code to deal with that, as Sylvain stated before, this is too much middleware-specific to implement in JSAGA.

