


More SSH questions (jsaga_universe)

Added by Alleon Guillaume over 14 years ago


I am polishing some changes in the SSH connector (trunk release). Our typical use case would be to have a jython/groovy script using the connector to launch jobs on various machines.
I have a question regarding URL used for creating URL factories:

In serviceURL = URLFactory.createURL("ssh://tragicomix#SSH") I refer to this node in the jsaga-universe.xml

<GRID contextType="SSH">
<attribute name="Server" value="ssh://tragicomix#SSH"/>
<attribute name="SSH_PrivKey" value="$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa"/>
<attribute name="SSH_PublKey" value="$HOME/.ssh/"/>

Can I specify as many nodes with ContextType="SSH" as I have nodes in my GRID ?

What is the name of the attribute if I want to specify a remote username which is different from the local one ? SSH_UserID ?


Replies (1)

RE: More SSH questions (jsaga_universe) - Added by Reynaud Sylvain over 14 years ago

Hi Guillaume,

Attribute "Server" in context is not for execution management servers, it is for authentication or authorization servers (such as VOMS server for example). Some data or job plug-ins may also support a "Server" attribute, but what you are looking for is probably rather something like the <domain> and <host> configuration elements of JSAGA (see example below). Setting these elements allows you for getting rid of the "#SSH" at the end of your URLs. If you do not set them, you can still contact any SSH server, but you may have to specify which context to use at the end of your URLs (e.g. "#SSH").

For the other attribute names, when possible, we should only use SAGA attribute names (see pages 83-85 of [ ]). Hence, the remote user name should be set with attribute "UserID", the path to the private key file should be set with attribute "UserKey", and the path to the public key file should be set with attribute "UserCert" (instead of attribute "UserPublicKey" in current version of the SSH plug-in).

    <GRID contextType="SSH">
        <domain name="">
            <host prefix="host01"/>
            <host prefix="host02"/>
        <domain name=""/>
            <host prefix="localhost"/>

        <attribute name="UserID" value="myremoteid"/>
        <attribute name="UserKey" value="${user.home}/.ssh/id_rsa"/>
        <attribute name="UserCert" value="${user.home}/.ssh/"/>

