



Feature #7160


Redmine update notification

Added by Barbier Cecile over 10 years ago. Updated about 7 years ago.

Assigned To:
Admin redMine
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


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Message from Akira OKUMURA initially sent to CTA support:

I too frequently receive e-mail notifications from the CTA Redmine because I use the setting "Only for things I watch or I'm involved in" at, and because Redmin users are registered as "Advanced Reporter" to all subprojects by default.

But if possible, I would like to receive notifications for only the subprojects in which I am really involved (in my case, LST/SCT/SST). An alternative solution is to stop adding the all users to "Advanced Reporter" lists automatically.

If users can choose "Only for things I watch" from the account settings page, it is the best for me. But Redmine does not have such an option.

This is not a request, but just feedback. No urgent.


Actions #1

Updated by Barbier Cecile over 10 years ago

Dear Akira,

If you go to, you can choose Email notifications "Only for things I watch or I'm involved in".

Would it be suitable for you ? Or is it already configured this way ?
All the best

Actions #2

Updated by Okumura Akira over 10 years ago

Hello Cécile,

The setting I have been using is "Only for ... involved in".

For example, I received a message "Document of ACCESS updated" yesterday, probably because I am an advanced reporter of subproject ACCESS.


Actions #3

Updated by Hoffmann Dirk over 10 years ago

The problem may be on our side, as we suggest to inherit all users from the top-level project "CTA". Maybe "Advanced Reporter" status is too much for everything. But do notifications depend on the "user level" in a project?

I still beleive inheritance is a good idea, because CTA admins (cta-support), who also function as first-level support for CTA managers and users, need to have access to most of the projects. Most of the project managers are not knowledgeable enough yet to configure and run a redmine project completely on their own. And we had situations in the past, where CTA support could not give support, due to missing permissions, lost managers could not configure the permissions, and we needed to contact CC staff to adjust things.

One solution could be to increase the cta-support permissions in redmine.

Sorry, Akira for abusing your ticket for this discussion. But a discussion is obviously needed, before we adjust the permissions. If I remove "cta-members" from the "Advanced Reporters" group in the top-level CTA project on redmine today, most of CTA users will not see any project any more and probably be lost.

In order to make things better, we were also waiting for the official CTA groups to be available in redmine, which is the case since a couple of weeks. Maybe we just need time to draw the consequences and use the newly available possibilities now. For example, alike ShPt, we could set all cta-wp-XYZ groups to be "Advanced Reporters" for a given redmine project XYZ.

To be followed up. Have a nice week-end everybody!

Actions #4

Updated by Brau-Nogué Sylvie over 10 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 40

Goal : stop undesirable email notifications fome ACCESS project

Members Configuration (and Test) today with Dirk with the ACCESS project :

  • all CTA users (cta group in this redmine) : removed
  • add :
    • as Manager : Dirk, Cecile, Nadine, Jürgen, Sylvie
    • as Reporter : cta-wp-dm group
    • as Advanced Reporter : Roland, Bruno, Volker, Thierry

Below the today snapshot for ACCESS project Members

Manager: Barbier Cecile, Brau-Nogué Sylvie, Hoffmann Dirk, Knödlseder Jürgen, Neyroud Nadine
Programmer: Kosack Karl, Lamanna Giovanni, Walter Roland
Advanced Reporter: Beckmann Volker, Khélifi Bruno, Louge Thierry, Walter Roland
Reporter: Antonelli Angelo, Armstrong Thomas, Arrabito Luisa, Barbier Cecile, Beckmann Volker, Benbow Wystan, Bernlöhr Konrad, Boisson Catherine, Brau-Nogué Sylvie, Bregeon Johan, Bulgarelli Andrea, Carr John, Colome Pep, Contreras Jose Luis, Costa Alessandro, de los Reyes Raquel, Deil Christoph, Doert Marlene, Doro Michele, Fegan Stephen, Fioretti Valentina, Fortson Lucy, Fuessling Matthias, Gaug Markus, Graciani Ricardo Graciani, Hermann German, Hinton Jim, Hoffmann Dirk, Humensky Brian, Jacquemier Jean, Khélifi Bruno, Knödlseder Jürgen, Kocot Joanna, Kosack Karl, Lamanna Giovanni, Le Flour Thierry, Lorca Alejandro, Louge Thierry, Lyard Etienne, Maier Gernot, Markoff Sera, Moralejo Olaizola Abelardo, Neyroud Nadine, Okumura Akira, Ong Rene, Osborne Julian, Ponz Daniel, Rico Javier, Romay Rodríguez Maria Pilar, Saito Takayuki, Sanchez David, Schlenstedt Stefan, Servillat Mathieu, Siejkowski Hubert, Sizun Patrick, Stolarczyk Thierry, Testa Vincenzo, Torres Diego, TOSTI GINO, Trifoglio Massimo, Valerie Connaughton, voisin vincent, Wagner Stefan, Walter Roland, Wegner Peter, Weinstein Amanda, White Richard, Wood Matthew

Actions #5

Updated by Hoffmann Dirk over 10 years ago

More actions

  • As also discussed on Monday, set all CTA users to "Reporter" on top level project (CTA).
  • Set working groups as "Advanced Reporter" on every second-level project.

See also discussion summary Sylvie/Dirk [fr].

Actions #6

Updated by Barbier Cecile about 7 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

The required actions have been done for a long time.

Actions #7

Updated by Barbier Cecile about 7 years ago

  • % Done changed from 40 to 100

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