

Terzić Tomislav

  • Login: tomislav.terzic
  • What do you want to do ?: join an existing project
  • The name of the project ?: CTA
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    work in software development

  • Registered on: 07/29/2015
  • Last connection: 07/18/2019


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Project Roles Registered on
IN2P3-Forge Project Reporter 07/30/2015
Common Components Reporter 10/14/2015
LST stereo trigger study Programmer, Advanced Reporter 12/22/2015



10:47 AM LST stereo trigger study Task #11561: Small-scale MC production for testing the effect of LST-MST stereo trigger
Dear all,
here are comparisons of energy resolution, angular resolution and effective area for PureLST Vs. LST+MST...
Terzić Tomislav


07:48 AM LST stereo trigger study Task #11561: Small-scale MC production for testing the effect of LST-MST stereo trigger
Just another explanation (sorry for not writing it all at once): when quoting a number of events, I always read it fr... Terzić Tomislav


06:10 PM LST stereo trigger study Task #11561: Small-scale MC production for testing the effect of LST-MST stereo trigger
I forgot to mention in the previous post:
The analysis for La Palma was done for configuration 3AL4M15-2, so it can ...
Terzić Tomislav
05:52 PM LST stereo trigger study Task #11561: Small-scale MC production for testing the effect of LST-MST stereo trigger
I produced plots like Abelardo's LST_MST_trigtest_energy.pdf. There are 2 plots, one for La Palma using Konrad's simu... Terzić Tomislav


08:15 AM LST stereo trigger study Task #11561: Small-scale MC production for testing the effect of LST-MST stereo trigger
Moralejo Olaizola Abelardo wrote:
> Moralejo Olaizola Abelardo wrote:
> > Produce MC gammas & protons with the Prod...
Terzić Tomislav

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