

Michel Franck

  • Login: fmichel
  • Registered on: 10/11/2011
  • Last connection: 02/06/2014


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 0 1 1


Project Roles Registered on
IN2P3-Forge Project Reporter 04/15/2014
Lavoisier Reporter 07/23/2013



03:32 PM JSAGA Bug #5980 (Rejected): JSAGA fails to create a proxy with a private key created with openssl 1.x
JSAGA does not allow to create a proxy certificate with a private key that was extracted from the certificate ...
Michel Franck


12:24 PM Lavoisier User questions: RE: Intersection de vues Lavoisier
J'ai plusieurs soucis selon les essais que je fais avec la solution 2. Ca semble lié à un problème de versi...
Michel Franck
10:47 AM Lavoisier User questions: RE: Intersection de vues Lavoisier
Ok merci Sylvain, on va regarder ça attentivement.
Michel Franck


05:34 PM Lavoisier User questions: RE: Intersection de vues Lavoisier
Salut Olivier, on a avancé là-dessus, on génère maintenant bien l'intersection (je suis en train de faire une autre v... Michel Franck
10:28 AM Lavoisier User questions: RE: How to pass a certificate and passphrase in an HTTPConnector?
Ok cool, thx Sylvain.
Michel Franck
09:40 AM Lavoisier User questions: RE: How to pass a certificate and passphrase in an HTTPConnector?
Ok great, worked straight away!
Two remarks:
* in the start logs I get this trace, but the service starts fine an...
Michel Franck
09:14 AM Lavoisier User questions: How to pass a certificate and passphrase in an HTTPConnector?
Hi guys,
I'm trying to reuse the GOCDB view that Cyril provided me with:
Michel Franck

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