

Maier Gernot

  • Login: GernotMaier
  • Registered on: 05/28/2013
  • Last connection: 03/23/2021


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Project Roles Registered on
IN2P3-Forge Project Reporter 04/15/2014
Common Components Advanced Reporter, Reporter 12/01/2014



08:37 PM IN2P3-Forge Project Feature #6293: Is it possible to have a list of people who always get the notifications for a project ?
Yes, I was asking for groups and this sounds like what I wanted. Maier Gernot
08:24 PM IN2P3-Forge Project Feature #6293: Is it possible to have a list of people who always get the notifications for a project ?
Say on a certain project only 15 people are working on. How can I make sure that these 15 people get notifications? I... Maier Gernot

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